Grolloo Flute Sessions 2018 vlag GB

 August 24-26, 2018

Pictures Grolloo Flute Sessions

A promo video has been made of the Grolloo Flute Session edition 4. You can watch this video by clicking on the link below


Flutists develop their performance and skills in Grolloo

Attending Master Classes?


Interviews RTV Drenthe Radio and TV

Interview with Eva Kingma by Hans Haffmans on NPO4

Eva Kingma receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Press release from the NFA on June 19, 2018

Press release dated July 27, 2018 NFA LAA

Press release dated July 27, 2018 Grolloo Flute Festival

Unique flutes give Eva Kingma a prestigious award




DE SCHAKEL  Wednesday, August 29, 2018  (Wrtitten by Henry Koops - Translated by J-Sketch)

Flutists develop their performance and skills in Grolloo

GROLLOO – Everywhere in Grolloo the sound of different flutes wasn’t easy to miss last week. Participants in Grolloo Flute Session 4 practiced at various places in the village. The 23 students from all over the world prepared for the lessons from coaches Ian Clark, Wissam Boustany and Matthias Ziegler. They teached them certain tips & tricks to play the flute. The lessons provided the knowledge, on top of their own, that they could use for the concerts that were given from Friday to Sunday in the church of Grolloo.

Flutemaker Eva Kingma from Grolloo is co-organizer of the event in her village. She does it together with Matthias Ziegler who came up with the idea a few years ago and a lot of volunteers from the village. ,, It is fantastic. It is a very nice group. We have seven participants more than last time, "says Kingma,"It's nice to see them working together, they've never met, and it's nice to see how they support each other after a while, some are, if they come here, scared to play. They come in like frightened birds, but in a few days, partly because of the enthusiastic teachers, they open up completely." Kingma is pleased that the residents of the village have embraced the event. “Four years ago there was a somewhat cautious attitude. Now they are queuing to give shelter to the students,"says Kingma, who ensures that the local hotel or B&B’s do not miss out on customers.
But for a poor student like Chloé Cuttez, a free shelter is a godsend. The 25-year-old Française is in Grolloo for the second time. Thanks to the help of the inhabitants and some sponsorship, she can still participate in the festival.

• Students from all over the world have come together in Grolloo to play together and develop their flute skills. (foto: Bertus Reinders)

"The inhabitants of Grolloo are great," she says. "They are not superficial, but very interested in me as a person. They are very interested in me. They take good care of me these days. "The French flutist, who has been playing flute since she was seven, also enjoys the cooperation with her fellow students and the lessons of the three teachers." I received very good advice on my technique and play. It is also nice to exchange experiences with the other students, and the contact with the audience is also very pleasant, it is a pleasure to play here, to play your instrument and with great music. It's great to see Eva's workshop, so you get an insight into how my instrument is built, I love it here and I've made many friends."

A bit further on, coach Wissam Boustany takes on another one of the students. He alternates a strict approach with humor. He tries to take away the fear and give the students more confidence. If the student continues to make the same mistake, he says: "Making mistakes is human. But it has a lot to do with concentration. You cannot lose the concentration. You have to attack the difficult notes while practicing, just as long as the note is normal, just like all those other notes." He then turns to the bystanders. "You have to keep practicing constantly, but practicing should not be a vicious circle, it has to be a spiral of development."

The Professor of Flute at the Royal Northern College of Music in England enjoys working with students from different cultures. "The cultural differences are not that important. It's about the person. We are all people. I enjoy motivating them. Students are taught not only in playing on a flute, but also in their development as a human being. And if they get the best out of themselves, understand the process, be open to new ideas and develop themselves, it can also be instructive for myself. " Boustany is fully enjoying Grolloo.

"Grolloo is one of the most important places in the flute world, because of Eva, her innovations have been so important, and it is more than right that she has been awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award, she has to be appreciated. Her flutes have to be bought, so that the developments can continue. When flutists continue to purchase the popular standard flutes, the innovative developments stop, these developments have to do with the Kingmasystem, and people should be very proud of this. "

• The group of students who participated in Flute Sesions 4 in Grolloo. (photo: Bertus Reinders)

schema publiek


Attending Master Classes?

Which can!

2017 Grolloo Flute Sessions 0472017 Grolloo Flute Sessions 047There is a lot of practice on 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 August at Het Markehuis. Feedback is also provided by means of video images. Do you find it interesting to see and hear how all this works? On Wednesdays to Sundays this is possible from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Het Markehuis. Entrance is free. There is only one condition: the audience is supposed to listen so that the lessons can continue as usual.


Meadhbh O'Rourke
Flute Irish Tin-whistle
Dublin Ierland

Meadhbh ORourkeQuote van Meadhbh O’Rourke uit Ierland

"I attended Grolloo Flute course two years ago and came away with so much information and inspiration. Now that I've had time to work on my flute playing, I'm looking forward to returning, with the hope of getting even more out of it!".


Demi Stevens

Demi StevensQuote van Demi Stevens

"My first visit to Grolloo was magical. Not only were the instructors and fellow students of the highest caliber, but the whole community welcomed us.
A perfect setting to re-connect with your musical passion!"


Elin Torkildsen

Elin TorkildsenQuote van Elin Torkildsen uit Noorwegen:

"This year is my second visit to Grolloo flute sessions. I think it is a unique festival with three great teachers and it is located in the idyllic town of Grolloo. One gets to know other flutists from all over the world, and the connection with the local audience gives the experience a pleasant aspect.

I am looking forward to Grolloo flute sessions 2018!"


Interviews RTV Drenthe Radio and TV


Listen here to the interview by Erwin Kikkers

vlag Nederland

Broadcast from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. on Wednesday, August 22, 2018


InekeKemperIneke Kemper 2018 At 11 o'clock the TV team of RTV Drenthe was on the doorstep. Ineke Kemper did the interviews

Look at the images here!

Below the report. Source RTV Drenthe

If you walk through Grolloo in the coming days, chances are that you will hear the sound of whistling. From today until Sunday the Grolloo Flute Sessions takes place in the village from today until Sunday.

23 students from all over the world gather to become better at playing the flute. Coaches Ian Clark, Wissam Boustany and Matthias Ziegler take them by the hand and teach them the intricacies of the flute profession.

"We have to do something here"
Eva Kingma is co-organizer of the festival. She recently received the Lifetime Achievement Award in Orlando for making unique alto, bass and double bass flutes. "The festival was an idea of ​​Matthias Ziegler, a Swiss flautist with whom I have been working for a long time. He is the driving force behind the event," says Kingma.

Read also:  Unique flutes give Eva Kingma a prestigious award (Dutch)

"I design special instruments for him and that is only possible if he is also in the workshop. He then said that Grolloo is such a great village that we have to do more here," she explains. "We then started an experiment and that was a huge success. It was received so well. That's why we continued and we continue to do so."

Ziegler is happy that he can work with the students with Boustany and Clark. "We approach all three from a different angle. We are very different personalities, but also very good friends."

'Walk together'
According to the teacher, the students in Grolloo have a high level. "They all want to become professional musicians. It is fascinating to walk along the path with them. They know what they want and that is very important. We help them in this by giving advice," says Ziegler, who adds to falling in love. are on Grolloo. "When we came here we immediately thought 'the size of this village is perfect to organize this'."

Sleeping place for students
What helps with the event is that the village likes to cooperate, says Kingma. The students who arrive must sleep somewhere, but that is no problem. "We have a few bed & breakfasts here. If they are full, there are fortunately enough people who offer a bed for free. They think it's fantastic to receive them."

Previously the masterclasses could only be visited by the people of the host families. That has changed. "The coaches enjoyed engaging more audiences. That's why everyone can come and watch for free. They are lessons, but also small concerts," concludes Kingma.

Interview with Eva Kingma by Hans Haffmans on NPO4


Interview with Eva Kingma by Hans Haffmans on NPO4 vlag Nederland

Hans Haffmans NPO4It is Monday, August 20, 2018. We listen to NPO4.Podium NTR with Hans Haffmans as presenter. Around half past five on this afternoon he has Eva Kingma on the phone. The topic of discussion is the presentation of the Lifetime Achievement Award.logoRadio4

Listen by clicking on the NPO4 logo.


Eva Kingma receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Prijswinnaars LTAA NFA 2018

logo NFA

Press release from the NFA on June 19, 2018

Download original pressrelease in English


Press release dated July 27, 2018 NFA LAA

for local media

GROLLOO / ORLANDO While Grolloo is preparing for the fourth Grolloo Flute Festival, on 11 August, Eva Kingma, the whistleblower on the basis of which the Grolloo Flute Sessions were founded, will receive a special prize in Orlando, Florida USA. She receives the NFA Lifetime Achievement Award, the highest distinction within the flute world.

The prize is usually awarded to flutists: Kingma is the third flute maker to receive this prize. And that is a great honor. "It's fantastic, I didn't expect this."

Kingma is praised by the jury for its innovative work and what has emerged from it. She makes flutes that can play bass, and there was hardly any music for that. That music has now come through the whistles of Kingma.

Eva Kingma is a world-famous instrument maker who specializes in low flutes. Its biggest innovation, the Kingma system, includes six additional keys that help the flautist to regularize sonority and accuracy of quarter-tone distribution in all registers, and strengthen the capacity of the flute for multiphonics, or the ability to play multiple notes simultaneously.

Her innovations have fueled the imagination of composers and artists, while also resolving many of the ergonomic challenges of playing the instruments. Kingma's workshop is located in the center of Grolloo.

Eva Kingma is in Orlando this week (33), then to London, where the show has been moved for a week especially for her. Then quickly back to Grolloo to receive students and coaches for the Grolloo Flute Sessions.


Press release dated July 27, 2018 Grolloo Flute Festival

for local media


Grolloo Flute Festival From 22 to 26 August, Grolloo Flute Sessions will take place in Grolloo for the fourth time. During this week, more than twenty students from all over the world will start working on their flute in Grolloo. This allows them to analyze and develop their knowledge and skills. All this in an open atmosphere, with respect for each other and in an environment where you will become curious about what else is possible. And all under the guidance of inspired coaches.

A special week for Grolloo. When you walk through the streets during the day or in the evening, you hear practicing students. Hotel, B & Bs are full and many students are accommodated with host families. There is daily practice in the halls of Het Markehuis. These exercise sessions can be attended. Performances are given in the form of house concerts, but for the general public coaches and students perform three evenings in the atmospheric church in Grolloo.

For more information, visit (English) or for a schedule (Dutch).

You are cordially invited to these special concerts on Friday 24, Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 August in the beautiful little church in Grolloo. Starting at 8 p.m. Admission € 10.00. Every evening there is a different program and there is no presale.



Unique flutes give Eva Kingma a prestigious award


Source: RTV Drenthe

GROLLOO - Flutists from near and far have their instrument made by the hands of Eva Kingma from Grolloo. Yesterday she received the Lifetime Achievement Award for her creations in the American city of Orlando.

This prize is awarded to someone who makes a major contribution to the music sector through his or her career. The prize was presented during the largest international flute fair. Professional flutists, flute builders and flute companies gather around the world there. "The award was handed over to me with a lot of bombing. It was fantastic, really fantastic," recalls Kingma.

Eva Kingma from Grolloo makes flutes for all over the world photo RTV Drenthe


Eva Kingma uit Grolloo maakt fluiten voor over de hele wereld foto RTV Drenthe

Photo RTV Drenthe

Highest in the field

A year ago she already knew she had won the prestigious prize. "That was so overwhelming that I thought, after a year it will all have fallen. But now I have the feeling that I have to get used to it for another year. Because this is the highest that can be gained in my field. "

Kingma is working on her flutes in Grolloo. "A fantastic village, with a lot of activity in the field of music. It is great that my work that I make there reaches Orlando."

The acclaimed instrument maker has been making whistles for 43 years. In the early 1990s she started visiting the fairs, although she was afraid that this would have a crippling effect on her creativity. "Colleagues persuaded me and it soon turned out that it was a good decision. It is very nice to talk to others about the profession." After that she continued to visit the event. Throughout America, where it is held in a different place every year.

Everything on order

Kingma specializes in flutes with lower tones, such as the alto, bass, and double bass flutes. Over the years she has started to distinguish herself from flutes from the rest of the world. "People know how to find the 'low' flutes very well in Grolloo. I make everything to order. Musicians come from far and wide to get their instrument there or to try it out. Distance then doesn't seem to matter. I think that's very important special. "

According to the professional jury, Kingma's flutes are the best instruments in her category. Those interested can get them the way they want, says Grolloo resident. "I make them for big hands, small hands, for jazz, improvisation, classical music, you name it. That's why they are unique." And the flutes also stand out in terms of sound, says Kingma. "You see a lot of work from China at the fairs. That looks nice, but they miss something in the sound. It's more mass production. I don't want to participate."

Return to Grolloo

If you want an instrument from Kingma you must have at least a year of patience. "Fortunately, nobody takes it off."

Kingma is looking forward to flying back to the rustic Grolloo. "That's nice after this huge circus. You are sitting here with five hundred to a thousand flautists playing." She cannot enjoy the Drenthe peace for long. In a week she will leave for England, where her prize will be celebrated at a flute fair. "A kind of homage to my work."

When that is over, flute festivities take place in her hometown. Then the Grolloo Flute Festival starts. "Flutists all over the world come to give masterclasses and lessons. Plus two great musicians from England and Switzerland, plus two pianists are going to turn things upside down. I'm really looking forward to that."